Swan CutOut Bralet - Topshop Petite

Original photo taken from Topshop.com

Pictures above taken from actual item

Ways to wear this gorgeous bralet!

Petite cutout bralet with swan print.
100% Acetate. Machine washable.

: I've recently purchased this bralet in Petite (UK6) from Topshop, Malaysia without even trying it on as I was in a hurry and it was too cute to resist! Upon reaching home, I looked at it and realized it was too small for me. I'm a UK 6 in core range/normal range but forgot about the Petite part and bought this in the same size as well.

So this is for those of you who wear a UK 6 in Petite and XXS. The hem will be slightly tighter for girls who normally goes for UK 6 in their core range/normal range. So I suggest this for girls who look for UK4 in core range.
It fits well for a bust 30" to a 32" and waist at 24-25".

You can actually wear this with a colorful top underneath or just wear it on it's own. Perfect for Spring/Summer 2012 where bralets are EVERYWHERE!
For the petite girls, you can pair this with a high-waisted shorts/skirt. It will match well with a bright colored cardigan or wear it with a pastel blazer for a casual smart look.
I actually bought this to wear inside a see-through summer dress with a cutout at the back so my bralet peeks through as it has swan prints on it so it definitely add details to my dress.
The straps are adjustable.

This bralet retails at RM 143 at Topshop. It is still sold on racks.
I purchased this with a discounted card and instead of exchanging it, I thought of you guys here who some do not have a Topshop in their town. :)
If you know Topshop, you will definitely know their bralets are a sell-out. No difference for this one with rave reviews from UK side.

Selling here at RM 100. (excluding postage)
-you will not get it elsewhere at this price even with their member card-
I only have 1 piece so hurry!

Buzz me at cocogoddess@live.com.my

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